
The annual subscription rate, for two issues, is $35 (individual) and $65 (institutional). Subscriptions are handled through the AJCS Editorial Office at Wake Forest University. For information, contact and/or send subscriptions to:

American Journal of Chinese Studies
c/o Professor Wei-Chin Lee
Department of Politics and International Affairs
Wake Forest University
1834 Wake Forest Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Email: ajchst at

Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to: Wake Forest University (Add to memo line: Agency Fund A00171-AJCS).

Individual memberships in the American Association of Chinese Studies include a subscription to the journal (two issues) and the Association newsletter. The annual Association membership rate is $60.00 for individuals.

For Association membership, contact the AACS Executive Secretary:

Professor Abraham Lin
Department of Finance
Brooklyn College
2900 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
E-Mail: hjlin at

Additional information on the Association is available at: