Article manuscripts should be submitted to the editor through the journal’s email address: <>.
Article manuscripts are welcome in any discipline or field. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in Word. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with indented paragraphs (no additional spacing between paragraphs), using a serif font (Times, Bookman, etc.). Manuscripts should not exceed 25-30 pages (double-spaced with footnotes).
The preferred style of the journal is to place citations in footnotes, with a full citation with first entry and abbreviations for subsequent entries. No separate Works Cited or Bibliography section is included. Footnotes should be indented.
However, in-text notes may be used if this is the main standard for the discipline for the article submitted. In that case a complete “References” section must be included at the end of the article.
Pinyin is the preferred romanization for Chinese names, quotations, and sources. This eases the ability of readers to find references in libraries, which have mainly switched to pinyin. However, Wade-Giles may be used for sources from Taiwan if the author prefers. Non-standard Romanization may be used for Chinese names when the non-standard form is used by the individuals cited or is in fact the historical “standard” (e.g. Chiang Kai-shek). In such cases, though, pinyin should be added in parentheses at the first citation.
Chinese characters should be provided for all names, quotes, and citations to assist editorial review. These characters will be removed for the Journal issue. (The Journal does not have the capacity to print Chinese characters).
Each manuscript should include a 200- to 250-word abstract and a two to three sentence biography.
For information on styling, see the Journal’s style sheet, or consult The Chicago Manual of Style.
Book reviews should be sent to Dr. David L. Kenley, Dakota State University, <>.